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Hedgerow Heroes success in Nottinghamshire


Our Hedgerow Heroes mission this year in Nottinghamshire has been a success!


Hedgerows are the vital stitching in the patchwork of our countryside. Not only are they beautiful, with shifting seasonal colours, but they also provide homes and corridors for wildlife. And all the while they help tackle the climate crisis by capturing carbon.

CPRE would like to see more hedgerows planted and restored, and campaigned successfully to persuade the government to accept the Climate Change Committee’s call for a 40% increase in the extent of hedgerows by 2050 to help tackle the climate emergency.

Hedgerow Heroes

As part of this wider campaign, here at CPRE Nottinghamshire we have been a part of the East Midlands Hedgerow Heroes project. From November 2022 to March 2023, we planted 1,395 trees, laid 410m of hedge and welcomed 59 volunteers at five sessions. Our focus was on three sites – Rushford Drive Park, Bulwell Hall Park, and Snape Wood Nature Reserve – and we were supported by our partners Green Hustle and Nottingham City Council.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us, volunteered, or shared the message more widely – we couldn’t have done it without you!

Male yellowhammer in the hedgerow